Dinky-Doo! It's
Scottie McClue!
Scottie McClue is a world-class broadcaster and communicator who works tirelessly towards informing, educating & entertaining everyone in a spirit of truth & justice for all, furthering the cause of PAR (Public Access Radio) by giving a voice to all and a chance and opportunity to be heard awakening the still small voice that is within every human being.
We are building towards LIVE broadcast and appreciate your highly valued support. If you would like to donate to the furtherance of this very noble cause, please click one button on the right.
More Excerpts From Radio Shows...
Scottie McClue's Massive Mighty Mega-Website is the on-line home of the world's favourite broadcaster, who through his wit, wisdom and sheer charisma has become the finest purveyor of top talk, quality information, education and entertainment to the assembled masses on the world's stage.

Scottie McClue talks to an inhabitant of Law, an ex-mining village in central Scotland, with hilarious results!
URL: https://youtu.be/l5jVQ4ooyQQ
Duration: 10:33

Scottie McClue talks to Willie about Scottish independence
URL: https://youtu.be/a0CO1XjFrn4
Duration: 20:32​

Scottie McClue, broadcasts to the commonwealth his now famous St Andrew's Day message to the good people of the Falkland Islands
URL: https://youtu.be/YznR6G20ofE
Duration: 6:13

Scottie McClue the world's favourite broadcaster and talk of the UK Entertainment Industry is interviewed on national television by Nicky Campbell
URL: https://youtu.be/JsRixCizGzg
Duration: 7:56​